Case management support programs are delivered from the Julia Reserve Youth Precinct to provide early intervention and specialist support to local young people. These case management programs enable Julia Reserve to be a supportive hub that connects young people to the local youth service sector. Two case management programs that are delivered from the centre include, the Big Yellow Umbrella Early Intervention Case Management Service and the Uniting Bridges for Youth and Family Connect & Support Programs.
Big Yellow Umbrella Early Intervention Case Management Service
Big Yellow Umbrella's Case Manager works collaboratively, with a strengths-based approach to support young people aged 12-18. Case Management involves an Intake, Assessment, Case Planning and Referrals to appropriate programs and services. Using a holistic approach, every Case Plan is unique to the individual. For more information please email
Uniting Bridges for Youth
Bridges for Youth provide short term, early intervention programs for young people aged 12-17 and families living in Campbelltown, Camden, Wollondilly and Wingecarribee Local Government Areas.
Services provided by Bridges for Youth Include:
- Engagement, assessment, referral, support and advice, case work for young people and their families including home visiting
- Parenting education groups (Triple P and Tuning into Teens)
- Home visits to provide structured parenting group
- 8-week life skill development groups for young people
- Forums held in high schools with a focus on information and advice e.g. cyber safety, programs focused on building resilience and confidence in young people and their families to enable positive changes in their lives.
For more information, please email